Swasthya Sanchar

Swasthya Sanchar was an Integrated Health Communication Initiative that was carried out for a period of one year, 2006-2007 in partnership with DFID (Department for International Development) and MICA (Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad).

Swasthya Sanchar “Communication for Health” was an HIV/AIDS awareness program that mainstreamed communication tools into SEWA’s health program.

The basic objective of the initiative was to raise awareness on prevention, care and support for HIV/AIDS, integrated with primary and reproductive health messages. It was used as an experiment to determine how HIV can be integrated into a holistic health program rather than in an isolated approach.

Tools developed and used:

  • Posters
  • Wall paintings
  • Calendars
  • Film video
  • Community radio and radio replays
  • Folk songs
  • Adolescent booklets
  • SEWA newsletter
  • Street plays
  • Mobile tentsHealth Education sessions
  • Melas/ Sammelans

Impact of the programme:

  • Informative and interactive tools like street plays, film, posters and wall paintings melt the ice between health workers and the community when raising personal issues or long– hidden problems.
  • Community members have increasingly voiced the need for available HIV/AIDS testing and counseling services.